29 November 2012


my newest niece, niece #5, makes me an aunt for the 12th time!

kate indira temple
7:25 pm
7lbs 9 oz
20 3/4 inches long

she is absolutely adorable!
can't wait to meet her :)

06 November 2012

election day.

i voted today. did you?
no matter how you vote, it's a privilege to be able to vote.
you have a voice, let it be heard.

**O say, does that star spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave**

01 November 2012

the proposal.

 i asked boyfriend fiancĂ© to type up his version of the proposal, seeing as it was his he prepared -
this is is what he sent me:

then he sent me this:


I rushed home after work to start setting everything up for the proposal. As soon as I walked through the door to my parents house my sisters started to freak out excessivelyAlmost excited as I was.  We rushed outside to start setting up candles and flower petals near the outdoor bar.  We also placed one candle on each step going up to the balcony, as well as flower petals. I had thought about making a large heart made out of candles on the balcony so we started to do that as well. Then I placed flower petals in the heart and all over the balcony.  We realized it was was a little too dark out so we ran down stairs and grabbed Large candles(2 feet tall) and placed them around the perimeter of the balcony for more light. I then got dressed in my Black suit and went down stairs to talk with my sisters. I told my sister Christina to stay in her room so there would be less people down stairs and for her to help me light the candles when Jaime showed up.  I told Donna and Megan that when Jaime gets here to ask her to grab some water bottles from the outdoor refrigerator for their movie night. (My sisters invited her over for a girls movie night) When she would walk out there she would see an arrow made out of candles leading her to the balcony where I would be standing. Explaining that to them made me so nervous.  All of a sudden Megan tells me she got a text from Jaime saying she is on her way over. My sisters then started to freak out with excitement all over again. Before we knew it we saw Jaime's car pull up in front of the house so I immediately ran up stairs to the balcony to wait. Then I start hearing noises coming from my sisters Donna's room which looks out over the balcony. I walk over real quick and notice my 3 sisters and cousin Jessy looking through the window to watch everything, which made me even more nervous.  I walked back to my spot behind the candled heart and waited for Jaime to come up.  Before I knew it she was taking her last step up to the balcony with a huge smile on her face.  I then started to notice my cheeks hurting from the huge smile I was making.  She slowly walked towards me and I to her. I told her I brought her up here because this was the first place I had told her that I was in love with her. Also that I want to spend the rest of forever with her. (there were other things I said but I'll keep that between us) I then went down on one knee and asked her the question we both wanted me to ask. "Will you marry me?" Thankfully she didn't keep me waiting too long and responded with a wonderful "Yes".  I rose back to my feet to kiss her and lift her feet off the floor with a hug. 
A night I'll never forget.

last picture taken as a girlfriend - hair colored & cut by Jessie the morning of with no idea it'd be perfect for that night
the walk up
where it took place
we're engaged!
so happy :) :) :)